*Jane Houska, Director of Finance, ISD 192 Farmington

*Amanda Heilman, Director of Business Services, ISD 77, Mankato Public Schools

*Mike Hueller, Coordinator of Accounting/Payroll, ISD 279, Osseo Area Schools

*Bill Menozzi, Director of Finance and Operations, ISD 720, Shakopee Public Schools

John Carlson, Executive Director of Finance, Rochester Public Schools ISD 535

Joe Prom, Director of Business Services, ISD #748, Sartell-St. Stephen

Angie Manuel, Director of Business Services, ISD 727 Big Lake

Rod Zivkovich, Exec. Director of Finance and Support Services, ISD 271 Bloomington

Becky Boll, Director of Business and Finance, ISD 423, Hutchinson

Tom Sager, Executive Chief of Financial Services, ISD 625, St. Paul Public Schools

Mert Woodard, Director, Business Services, ISD 273 Edina Public Schools

Andy Almos, Executive Director of Business Services, ISD 728 Elk River Public Schools

Scott LeSage, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, ISD 284, Wayzata Public Schools

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MNTrust Service Programs
Cash Flow Management
Bond Proceeds Management
Term Series
Limited Term Duration Series
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763.497.1490 | Email
5298 Kyler Avenue NE, 2nd Floor  |  Albertville, MN 55301

MNTrust (the “Fund”) investment options include the MNTrust Investment Shares (IS) Series, MNTrust Limited Term Duration (LTD) Series as separate managed investment portfolios whose holdings are subject to change, and Term Series portfolios (collectively “Funds”). Shares in the Fund are sold or bought only based on the information contained in the current Fund Information Statement which can be found here or can be obtained by calling 763.497.1490. These Funds are only offered and sold to units of local government under Minnesota statues as eligible participants in MN Trust.

The Funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. While the IS and Term Series seek to maintain a stable net asset value of $1.00 per share, there can be no assurance that the net asset value will not vary from this price. The LTD Series seeks to provide current income while maintaining limited price volatility. The LTD Series has a floating net asset value, and the net asset value of a Participant’s investment could decline below the amount originally invested by the Participant. You should consider the applicable Fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses detailed in the Information Statement before you invest.

Information in the Knowledge Center and elsewhere on this website is intended for institutional investors and has been published for informational and educational purposes only. The information should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product, which may only be done after client suitability is reviewed and determined. This information does not represent an offer or solicitation to buy or sell shares of the MNTrust Funds, or any other security. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The MNTrust service providers may, from time to time, voluntarily waive certain fees and expenses, which may affect the yield. Expenses are detailed in the Information Statement under "Fees and Expenses of the Funds."

Fund shares are marketed through PMA Securities, LLC., a broker-dealer and municipal advisor registered with the SEC and MSRB, and member of FINRA and SIPC. MNTrust Fixed Income Investment Program investments are offered and sold through PMA Securities, LLC. and its affiliate, PMA Financial Network, LLC., which serves as Fund Administrator to MNTrust. PMA Asset Management, LLC., an SEC registered investment adviser and PMA affiliate, serves as the Investment Advisor to MNTrust.

© 2018 MNTrust